By: admin
June 21, 2024
Categories: News
Tags: album, floating world news, floating worlds, floating worlds band, floatingworlds, new album, release, skywatcher
Dear friends, The day has come for our new album “Skywatcher” to be released in it’s entirety. This is our fourth studio album and for the very first time, we decided to visit pop/rock music fields that will take us back, to the monument More...
By: admin
January 3, 2018
Categories: News
Tags: 2018, Cheboksary, Floating, floating world news, floating worlds, floating worlds band, Greek bands, Kazan, Manhattan Project, Memorain and Reflection, Moscow, new album, Nikitas Mandolas, Patrias, rock, Russia, RUSSIAN TOUR
Dear friends, the Floating New Year has just begun, with great news! The recordings for our new album were successfully completed last week and the mixing procedure is already underway. The accomplishment of this long task should be celebrated accordingly More...
By: admin
September 11, 2017
Categories: News
Tags: apoxwrhsh, floating world news, floating worlds, floating worlds band, Mike Papadopoulos
Dear friends, more than half of the bass tracks have already been recorded for our upcoming third album. Mike Papadopoulos of CEREBRUM, who has been with us during our previous European tour, is playing also the bass on our new album, as John Doumas could More...
By: admin
November 25, 2013
Categories: News
Tags: Below the sea of light, cd distribution, floating worlds, floating worlds band
Floating Worlds new album, entitled “Below the Sea Of Light”, is now available on cd as well, to the following record stores in Athens, Greece. (in alphabetical order)
By: admin
October 10, 2013
Categories: News
Tags: floating worlds, floating worlds band, floatingworlds, release party announcement
Dear friends, we would like to invite you to our release party for our new album entitled: “Below The Sea Of Light”, which will take place on Friday, October 18th 2013, at “LEGACY” rock bar in Athens,Greece (Sarri 50, Psirri).Yiann More...
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