By: admin
November 3, 2022
Categories: News
Tags: bandcamp, Below the sea of light, Can Kill A Dream, cd, floating worlds, floatingworlds, Only A Dream, page, profile, tshirt
We gladly announce that our first two albums “Only A Dream, Can Kill A Dream…” released in 2007 and “Below The Sea Of Light” released in 2013, are now both available on our renewed bandcamp page. “Only A Dream, Can Kill A Dream…” is available exclusively for digital free download as a gift to our bandcamp page visitors. “Below The Sea Of Light” is available in CD with a 8-page booklet and in digital form. Few collectible t-shirts from our first European tour in 2015 with all tour dates printed on the back side, are also available in medium and small sizes.
Visit our bandcamp page, by pressing the following link: